
Now, let’s take you through the manufacturing process. This is a really interesting one. We first procure the liquid milk from cows and then take them to our creamery where we turn them into cultured dairy products and hard cheeses using the traditional recipes.
Nature has given us plenty of resources to survive on. But man in his ever increasing quest to acquire more and more has almost depleted the reserves leading to disasters and calamities. For all these years Nature has looked after us. In return we should also do our bit and conserve the resources for our future generations and as a testimony to this commitment we look after our animals in the best possible way. Since we do not inject the cows with hormones, they produce rBST free milk.
Our consistent efforts have been recognized by the Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA) and they have conferred upon us the prestigious ‘organic certification’. With an eye towards sustainability and environment we make sure that the manufacturing facility is also eco-friendly. We use energy efficient lighting and the manufacturing process also takes place in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws. By managing our waste effectively we keep them out of landfill. We also practice recycling, sustainable packaging and supply chain optimization. Not only so we also work in tandem with our stakeholders and take initiatives to formulate standards that support our policies.
We value our workers immensely and hence have a safety program in place which through extensive training and employee engagement in health and wellness aims at fostering an injury free environment.